Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What will your kids catch from you this season?

Decades ago, in the church, we talked about being what Bill Hybels called A Contagious Christian. This is someone that attracts people to Jesus because His presence in their lives is so obvious and attractive that people are just naturally drawn to them. It seems, however, that as believers, we are not too good at showing the peace and joy that we proclaim is the result of following Jesus. Rather, we fuss at our kids, fret over bills, get annoyed with our spouse and complain about our church. That isn’t attractive and I certainly don’t want to “catch” it!

Let’s bring that whole concept down to being a contagious Christian in our home. After all, that is where it matters most. God gave us our kids and established the family as a place to learn and grow long before He started the Church in the New Testament. Think about what your kids see at home, as it relates to your walk with Jesus…

Are your words kind and thoughtful when speaking to (or about) someone?
Are you living in a state of chaos that makes you constantly on edge?
Do you live in fear that something will happen outside your control and you won’t be equipped to deal with it?
Are you so over-extended that the rushing has left you exhausted and you have no margin in the day to just sit and listen?
Do you spend time with Jesus that leaves you noticeably refreshed?
Do you honor your spouse above yourself, or stay aggravated and irritable because you aren’t having your needs met?

If you are doing all these things right all the time, I want to meet you. Then I want to talk to you about your unrealistic view of yourself! Let’s face it, none of us are going to get it right all the time. We are human. We mess up. Period.  But, if we want our kids to have an authentic relationship with Jesus, they better be seeing it in us. We, as parents, are the ones God has given them to show them the way.

It is my observation that we should begin in our own home when it comes to drawing others to the love and grace of Jesus. I don’t mean for you to be perfect or preachy. I mean for you to be real. To own your shortcomings with your kids. To work hard to treat your spouse better than they treat you. To make family life a priority. To establish a set of godly values for your home and make all decisions based on those values. Hold yourself to a higher standard than the rest of the world. Be kind. Stay strong. Make Jesus number 1.

For most of us, none of those really good suggestions are really easy. So you better get started. We all need practice!

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