Wednesday, January 6, 2016

This Year The Kids WILL See...

Sunday the Pastor suggested that we could gain valuable insights into our heart, our motivation, our priorities if our kids were interviewed and asked, “What matters most to your parents? What stresses them out? What occupies most of their time?”  Anybody want to sign up for that?!?!?  Probably most of us want to be better parents; better people…BUT, sometimes it is painful to see ourselves as others see us… especially those who see us when the world isn’t watching.  Maybe we should make a few changes before word gets out that we are a hot mess!

As we begin a new year, we have a chance to change the outcome of this imaginary interview with our kids that could occur next January. Here are some things that you may like to hear your kids say about what matters to you…

“My dad cares about my mom because when he says or does something that isn’t nice, he is sorry and tells us that he was wrong to act that way.”

“My parents care that I am learning because they stopped yelling about homework and now they sit down and help me with it."

“My parents care about what God says because they read their Bible every day and make sure we know what the Bible says.”

“My mom cares about people who have less stuff than us because when we want things, we stop and think about whether or not it’s something we should get or if we should use the money for someone else who needs something more.”

If your time investment signifies what you most value, would your child say, “my parents value their smart phone, their computer, their television, their hobby, their vehicle, their house, their garage, their games, their friends…  or will they notice a shift in the way you spend your evenings and weekends in 2016?  They could see you reading your Bible rather than a Tabloid; looking at them instead of your phone; making your own life rather than watching pretend lives on TV; giving your time to the “least of these” rather than indulging in your own desires; listening rather than shushing, demonstrating honor rather than anger…

I have never met anyone who looks back at how they raised their kids and said, “I totally nailed it! If I had it to do all over again I would do exactly what I did the first time around!”  We all seem to wish we could have a do-over from time to time. So how about we make 2016 our opportunity for a “do-over” and begin to parent in such a way that our kids will see a glimpse of Jesus as they watch us go through the year.

Now for the secret to making this all come to pass… Don’t compare yourself to others, but look to Jesus and allow Him to transform you. That requires surrendering to Him, moment by moment; allowing Him the freedom to show you the pruning needed to help you grow.

“Seek God’s will in all you do and He will show you which path to take.”

Proverbs 3:6


  1. I love your posts, Jackie. They always make me think. One of my goals is to stay off my phone when the kids are awake for the very reasons you mentioned. I shared this with my kids for accountability and they definitely call me out when needed. Every new year I always think of Dana's. One time during staff training he talked about the difference a year makes, spiritually, physically, emotionally, etc. Those words have always stuck with me. You two are such a blessing. Keep sharing your wisdom!

    1. Thank you, Jessica, for your kind words. Always good to hear that someone is reading and growing from the messages God gives. I am convinced that wisdom is born of years of learning how NOT to navigate through life. Glad so have anyone learn from our mistakes!
