Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Spending Yourself

Sunday the Pastor talked about the great joy we can find serving the least of these. There are people all around us with needs and when we are able to reach out in some small way to meet those needs it is a beautiful thing. Sometimes the need is monetary. Sometimes it is for some sort of physical assistance. A listening ear. A word of wisdom. Or maybe just a smile that says “I love you and accept you for who you are.”
I love to serve people. Really. I guess it’s one of the quirky things about me. I found out at a young age how much fun it could be. I would play waitress when my parents had friends over. I would gather all the little children around me so their parents could have a break. I would rake the leaves, iron the pillow cases (Yes, people actually did that) and dust every little trinket my mother collected and I really enjoyed it.
So, I kind of felt like I had a handle on the serving gig. But, lately life has taken my role as servant to a whole new level. A level that is beyond me having fun doing what I love to do. It has taken my heart deep into the lives of those who have tremendous pain and loss and allowed me to place myself, figuratively, in their shoes.
As I care for my dear aunt, who at 90 is trying to heal from a broken hip that she doesn’t always remember is broken due to her Alzheimer’s, I am invited to experience the pain of losing one’s independence. As I provide support to my father in what is likely to be his last months on earth, I experience the pain of separation that is sure to be more than I care to experience. When I listen to my daughter I experience the agony and rejection of divorce and my heart aches for her. I feel the loneliness of my single sister and the agony of a grandson whose autism often leaves him feeling frustrated and defeated. I find myself continually surrounded by people who need a smile, a hand, a listening ear. I could cry out to God for relief from this pain that overwhelms me... and sometimes I do just that. My life seems to have evolved into areas of service way above my level of ability. I am experiencing the pain of others as if it were my own. Why would anyone want that?
As I ponder that question, I am beginning to figure out that it is an excellent part of my journey. I am learning that when your heart breaks for others, it opens a place for the love of God to bless you with an indescribable joy, knowing that your life has touched the heart in need. And I still love what I am doing. My heart will forever be filled with rich memories of sharing the love of Jesus with others and the impact that has made upon their lives and mine.
As I serve those I love, my heart is full to the brim with more love than I ever knew one could feel, even for strangers. I have learned that with great love there is great pain, however, most days as I wipe tears (or worse), my heart is more full than I ever knew possible. If you are feeling like there is a void in your life, look around. There are others in need who you have the power to bless. If reaching out to them is outside of your skill level, Great! Then you will need the One who has called you to serve the least of these, to help you fulfill the mission He may have created just for you. Now what could be better than that?
It is entirely my choice how my story will read for those who look back on my journey. With God's help, it will be a journey filled with loving and serving the least of these.

…If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
then your light will rise in the darkness,
and your night will become like the noonday.
The LORD will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame. 
Isaiah 58:11-12

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