Thursday, November 13, 2014


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
Love him with all your strength.
The commandments I give you today must be in your hearts.
Make sure your children learn them.
Talk about them when you are at home.
Talk about them when you walk along the road.
Speak about them when you go to bed.
And speak about them when you get up.”
Deuteronomy 6:5-7

As a parent, which do you think is the most urgent need to impress upon your children: GPA? MVP? or GOD?  Does your response align with your actions? Would others be surprised by your answer?  Often times we feel that something is important, but we don’t demonstrate that with our choices. No one is immune from that! 
There is no question that academics are important. Children must learn new things on a daily basis to build a solid foundation that will insure they are prepared for college and/or life with adult responsibilities.  If their grades in High School are good enough, they may even get a full ride to the college of their choice so they can climb higher than their parents and someday receive their doctorate and a Nobel prize.
In America, sports are a big deal… and getting bigger all the time. Kids learn fitness, values, teamwork and good sportsmanship. There is also that possibility that they will be the one the scouts will see and end up with a college scholarship. Sports keeps them off the streets and busy so they learn to be an effective multi-tasker (and be tired enough they don’t argue about going to bed at night).
As important as those may be, I believe God is infinitely more important in the life of your children. You probably agree. But, if you claim that God is the most important, then what are you doing to prove that to your kids? Do they actually hear you talk about Him? Do they know that He is the Leader you choose to follow? Do they hear you talk to Him? Do you pray with them? Do you say a prayer of thanksgiving before meals? Are your decisions based on what you have learned from being a student of His Word? How important is corporate worship at your house? What can keep you from the Word or from Worship? Homework? Laundry? A game or a meet? Recreation? Friends? Family?
I don’t believe that there is a scorecard in heaven keeping track of the things I listed. I do, however think there is a scorecard on the heart of your kids, metaphorically speaking. They are watching you closely and learning from you… more by what you do than by what you say. If  you want them to love and follow God, then examine where He lines up on your priority list. Not the one you claim, but the one you demonstrate.
As God-followers we are all on a journey to reflect the image of our Creator. That’s hard to do from a distance. Maybe, as we approach the holiday season you need to determine if you have room for Jesus. It is time to take Him seriously. He is GOD. Do you want your kids to know about Him or to know Him?  Satan knows about Him. That’s not good enough for my kids or my grand-kids. I want them to really know… be a friend of… trust… follow the One who made them with a purpose far more important than their GPA or being a MVP. If you feel the same, take a look at the message you are clearly sending them by the decisions you make on a daily basis.

I choose GOD.

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