Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Things You Won't Overhear In A Coffee Shop

Sometimes we accidentally overhear things that we wish we hadn't about a husband or wife's attitude toward their spouse. Often the words are dripping with pain and a spirit of vengefulness. However, here are some things you are not likely to overhear...
·         “I hope my son grows up and marries someone who can turn a cold shoulder toward him as well as I do to his father.”
·         “I hope my daughter grows up and marries someone  who is as inconsiderate of her feelings as I am of her mother’s feelings.”
·         “I hope our kids find bitterness and anxiety in marriage. It works well for us.”

If we want the best for our kids, we have to model it. Jesus came from heaven to do that for us, so it can’t be that difficult to leave our self-centeredness to model unselfishness for our kids, right?
Actually, it is difficult. Somewhere in the center of the Garden of Eden our DNA changed from a willingness to submit and follow the lead of our Creator to a willfulness that drives us to look for ways to disregard the standard set by him and find our own way. Whenever we are centered on finding what pleases self, we know we – just like Adam and Eve - are headed directly into the path of pain and separation from the One who loves us best. Why not try making your attitude reflect the attitude of Christ, who…even though he was God in the flesh…

“did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself NOTHING, taking the very nature of a servant… he humbled himself and became obedient to death, even the cross!”   from Philippians 2:5-8 (NIV)

God isn’t asking you to be nailed to a cross for your spouse. He is simply asking you to love with a love that puts their needs ahead of yours. He implores you to ask the question, “How can I help?” To risk knowing exactly what they need from you to keep their emotional tank full so they can better submit and love selflessly. That's what I want for my kids! How about you?

Creator, open our hearts to see the joy in following Your example and serving one another in love. Help us to learn to love as you have loved us; to be full of mercy and grace; to be willing to honor one another above ourselves."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love this Jackie... a few of those quotes might have had a familiar sound :O Always love reading your words! Don't forget to help us by adding the links to the MPC WomMin Facebook page too!! https://www.facebook.com/mpcwommin
