Thursday, May 30, 2019

In Pursuit Of What?

        As summer dawns and school lets out, what will you find yourself pursuing in the coming weeks? A great tan? More relaxation time? Tasks marked off a list? Being kind to others ALL. DAY. LONG? More time in prayer? The best bargains online? Catching up on the real lives of others on social media? Eating right? Exercising more? Getting the junk drawer organized? Sticking to a Daily Devotional til the end? Being a good parent or spouse? Chances are, you are like me and that list of things I’d like to accomplish before I say goodbye to this world is very lengthy. It seems that human nature bids us to chase after something a little bit better than where we are currently… in a variety of areas… because we have come to understand that fulfillment is not a destination, but a journey.
        Last Sunday Ed Haines shared a great message regarding our pursuit of Jesus. He isn’t running from us or hiding from us. He is laying a path before us every moment of every day, but our “LIST” of what we should be pursuing is usually based on our family of origin issues or our mental and emotional health or whatever this world tells us we should have or become and has nothing to do with what God has planned for us. I would encourage you to listen to his message here:
       Paul reminds the first century church in Ephesus about the need for us to get rid of the way we are living, which may be fine according to the world, but not according to the plan created for each of us.
“Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God – righteous and holy.”
At my house, there is a hamper full of dress-up clothes that my granddaughters love to wear. They don’t just put on one bedazzled outfit and wear it to play for a bit. They put it on, come upstairs and parade it in front of us and then go down and hop out of it and into another one for their next walk down the runway. At the end of the day, there is evidence of the speed with which the change took place. The carpet is littered with their glamorous sequined garb from one end of the basement to the other. As I read this portion of scripture, I picture the quick change operation, and their delight as they rip off the old one, anxious to try out the next. If only we could do that with our worldly attire – cast it off in a hurry, in pursuit of what God has for us because we know that what He offers is so much better!
The places we go and the people we spend time with may be the very things that are keeping us from the renewal that God’s Spirit wants to refresh us with. Perhaps it is the things we are watching or reading. Maybe it is the way we spend our down time. Or the hobbies and recreation that we have chosen to fill our calendar. Whatever it is that is keeping you from full out pursuing a stronger relationship with God, it isn’t worth it. It will keep you empty and feeling cheated by the deception and lust that drags you down. Sin of some sort is a temptation to all of us, but it never pay the reward it promises. It simply leaves you experiencing a void in your life that can only be filled by the One who gave you life and purpose.
As summer begins and our schedules get crazy, I suggest that you put away those winter clothes rather than putting your summer clothes on over them. That would be ridiculous, right? Well, no more ridiculous than leaving the old sinful nature on when God is giving you new clean garments to wear that fit this season of your life. As you pursue Him, may you find Him transforming your attitudes and actions. May you discover this new nature that makes you righteous and holy and draws you closer and closer to Him and His plan for you.

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