Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Show Them God

In Paul's first letter to Timothy he tells him to command those under his influence who are rich to do good (not be good, but to do good) with what they have. He said be rich in good deeds. God is really not impressed with what we have. He knows what we have because He is the One who made it possible for us to have it! He owns an entire universe so our income is not a big deal to Him. What is a big deal to Him is when we give it away.

How do we pass this message from scripture on to our children? How do we get their focus off of the things they want for Christmas? The things they want in the grocery cart? The clothing that makes them look good? The sports camp that will make the number one? The vacations that are so amazing? We love giving to our children and that isn't a bad thing. We just need to make sure that a big part of what we are giving is the knowledge of their true Provider.

How do we help our kids know God, the Provider, when they can't see Him? John tells us that God is LOVE. When we really, truly believe that our Creator, our Savior, our God is love, then it seems ridiculous not to place our hope in Him. When we accept the truth that God is Love, we live differently. We live in His love, accepting His mercy and grace and provision and extend the same to others. If we are to ever convince our kids that they can place their hope in a God they cannot see, they need to find that He is Love. They will see that in your life as you mature in your faith. You are the vessel for God's love that will guide them to Him. The way that you love helps them to see God. The way that you treat others helps them to see God. The way that you trust Him helps them to see God.

If you want your child see God, show them love extended to others. We don't make a lot of money, but we are "rich" in family. Through the years our home has always had an open door for people who need hospitality, who need to feel valued, who need someone to be their surrogate family. Our holidays are seldom filled with just those who are kin. It is a beautiful, crazy, messy thing to witness, but I love it because we get to do good with the riches God has provided. In our case, a pretty amazing family and a table full of food. Our grown children have discovered the God of Love and they have carried on the tradition. We truly have a family with no borders, and I pray that each one will see God through our love extended to them.

How are you "rich?" Show your kids how to give from your wealth, whether it be monetary, time, hospitality or... fill in the blank. Show your kids the God that is LOVE through the way that you love others. Do not live as the world lives, storing up riches for yourself. Those riches will become an obstacle that will obscure your child's view of the God who is Love. The God who provides for all our needs out of His immeasurable love for us.

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