Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What A Headache!

Sunday, when Pastor Chris mentioned how the Israelites would build a little box and fill it with God’s instructions to them about how to spread the message of His goodness and glory to their children, then tie it to their foreheads so they wouldn’t forget, I have to admit… I laughed out loud at the mental picture it created. I have read that many times in Deuteronomy 6, but this time I just kept seeing these huge, ornate vessels tied to their foreheads.  I am guessing that the more “spiritual” they wanted to appear, the bigger and more ornate the box. Imagine what that looked like and tell me you aren’t laughing right now! I am certain that the instruction was not intended to be taken literally, but it was of supreme importance… and if you couldn’t remember the instructions, then you had better tie them around your head because this is straight from God!

It wasn’t even a hard message to remember. It was simple. Remember that there is only ONE GOD and LOVE HIM with all your heart, mind and strength. No forehead ornament required.

I began to think about parenting today and the things we do to convince others that we are good parents. Then I started to wonder if future generations of anthropologists will look back at our society and laugh out loud at the things we did…

  • ·         In middle America today, our culture says good parents make sure their kids attend good pre-schools, but says little about teaching manners and kindness in the home.
  • ·         Our culture says we are to fill their rooms with more toys than they can play with in a year and then expect them to keep that room orderly when even an adult is overwhelmed by all of it.
  • ·         Our culture scoffs at the lack of respect children and teens exhibit, but the daily viewing of sitcoms and children’s shows full of rude behavior and disrespect are considered acceptable and appropriate.
  • ·         Our culture places sports ahead of worship, then when the kids reach the teen years and have no desire to know or worship God, we panic and don’t understand why, expecting the church to "fix" this problem.
  • ·         Our cultures spends billions on things that will improve our self-esteem, then laments the fact that we are raising self-centered children

God’s Word has not changed and His instructions are for us in 2016. Remember that there is only ONE GOD and LOVE HIM with everything in you! How are you doing with these instructions? How well are you passing them on to your kids?  Are you doing the things our culture calls you to do and wondering why your kids aren’t drawn to the One who loves them most and knows them best?

A young father told me just the other day that he had begun to realize that he had put his kids where God belonged. They were first. Their wants and whims came before God and they were paying the price for that error. He is wise to discover and begin to correct this pattern while his kids are still young.

Take a step back and look inside your home. Now take the journey into the future and see if you are steering your kids in the right direction for them to grow into disciples, following their Maker and becoming the persons God created them to be. Don’t be afraid to trim the sails and change the course of their future by setting your sites on Loving God with all your heart, mind and strength, and teaching them to do the same.

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