Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What's Holding You Back?

As a young teenager I remember the fear I felt in following Jesus. I had read in Luke 9 about the things that you have to do to be a committed follower and I didn’t think I was made of the right stuff to make it work. Here is what Jesus said to those He compelled to follow Him, what I heard and what I truly needed to hear:

The would-be follower
What Jesus said
My interpretation
I want to follow Jesus…
v. 58 “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”
I will likely be homeless, living in a straw hut being preyed upon by cannibals

What He was likely, truly saying was… Are you serious about following me? Because it could very well mean giving up your comfortable life so that you can be a blessing to those in need. It means being willing to step out in faith, before you have an iron-clad plan in place, complete with a fail-safe itinerary.

The would-be follower
What Jesus said
My interpretation
I want to follow Jesus, but first there are things that have to be in place…I need to go back and bury my father when he dies.
v. 60 “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”
You have to stop caring about the family that loves you, get out of your comfort zone completely and do the most difficult thing you can imagine… public speaking to a hostile crowd about something I don’t even fully understand myself!

Since He always seemed to know what people were feeling or scheming, maybe what he really meant was… Your security is not in your inheritance from your earthly father. Waiting until you have a cushion to fall back on means that your commitment is based on what you think you can do on your own, without the need to depend fully on Him. So, “If Jesus isn’t the real deal, at least I have other options.” Or maybe it means you are focused on what you can gain rather than what you think you can give. That isn’t commitment; that is merely adventure seeking. The inheritance we receive from our Heavenly Father is truly all that matters. It’s just hard to focus on something that we don’t fully understand rather than what our culture has taught us to understand; that our security lies in our own well-ordered plan for our future.

The would-be follower
What Jesus said
My interpretation
I will follow just as soon as I go back and say goodbye to my family (and maybe they will bring me to my senses and remind me that my commitment is first to them!) parenthetical thoughts are purely mine.
v. 62 “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
I am worthless if I don’t have a huge amount of faith so that I never question anything, but push aside my loved ones and follow God into the unknown

Jesus always wants us to look at the BIG picture. What we do here in our own homes, with our own families, is essentially worthless in light of eternity if we keep putting them first, catering to their wishes, their schedules, their agenda, all the while we are pushing God to the background. Our priorities are not according to His plan if we keep waiting until we are finished raising our family, establishing a career and preparing for our retirement before we commit to following Him wholeheartedly. Every time we look back at what the world is doing, rather than looking forward to what God calls us to do, we become ineffective and wander off course. We will never get to the plan that He hand-crafted for each of us if we don’t keep our eyes on Him and His path.

I am not so far removed from raising a family that I don’t recall the busy schedules and the tight budgets and the enormous to-do list that goes with it. I get it…. Really! But being on the far side of raising my family, it is so much easier to see how often I forfeited what really mattered in the light of eternity for my list, my calendar, my well calculated plan. And I wish there could be “Do-overs.” Just like you, I am a work in process. But if I could make one of those commercials we see all the time lately, mine would say… “Don’t be the busy me whose focus is this life, this planet, this day. Be the new me, seeing the big picture of eternity and truly follow Jesus so your kids will learn to follow Him, not a schedule.”

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