Thursday, September 17, 2015

Starving Children

The kitchen is the place in many homes where crisis is likely. Not because there are sharp knives or fires, but because working in one can make you CRAZY!

Your brain gets exhausted with mind reading, which is a must. I have enough difficulty figuring out what I want to eat, let alone what may sound good to the rest of the family.
If you fail at the previous struggle, another common crisis in the kitchen will occur. It is the fanning fridge door phenomenon. Open the door. Look inside. Find nothing appealing. Close the door. Walk away. Return. Open the door…. Repeat steps countless times until the frugal family member reminds you of the energy cost involved with such behavior.

The endless chore of cook, clean, cook, clean, cook, clean tends to wear you down after a while but you can’t stop because apparently there are laws about feeding your kids … every single day!
…and how in the world does a fridge get so dirty when you only put clean things in it?

It is always a good practice to be thankful for the fact that you have food to feed your family, rather than complaining about the task of doing it. If you are reading this blog, it is likely that you don’t have to worry about your child starving… physically. But sometimes I wonder if we need to worry a little bit more about our kids suffering from spiritual starvation. Jesus understood the need to be fed by more than bread. He knew, as the Creator, that there is more within us than a stomach to fill. The souls of our kids must be provided for. The void that causes them to fan the door of excitement, adventure and risk taking in search of what they crave can be filled with the soul nutrition of the Bread of Life. God’s plan and purpose for them will supply all the adventure they need. The risks He will call them to take may look dangerous to those who don’t understand the Sovereignty of the Almighty, but to those who truly BELIEVE, they will be the adventure of a lifetime.

Feed your children. Care for their nutritional needs. What we put into them does matter. A steady diet of pop tarts and cereal will not supply their needs. By the same token, we are called to feed their souls. The part of them that is eternal is much more critical than the physical. Provide healthy spiritual snacks of Truths from the Bible… verses to remember and hide in their heart. ..Bible stories that teach them how to live as a follower of Jesus.  If you go on strike, they will starve. Follow through on the responsibility God has given you to train them. It’s the best thing you will ever do!

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9

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