Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Know God - Know Joy

David knew God. He knew God’s love for him. He knew God’s strength and protection. He knew God’s majesty. He knew God’s silence. He knew God’s rewards. He knew God’s peace. He knew God’s retribution.

All through the Psalms we hear David’s conversations with God … when he is in awe of God’s majesty and when he can’t feel God’s presence; when God brings victory and when the enemy is winning; when there is great sorrow and loss and when the blessings abound; when there is shame and fear of losing the One who has been his hiding place and when there is an unconditional love that engulfs him.

It seems that in all things David encountered, he was always able to circle around to the source of his joy. Knowing God. He knew God in an intimate manner that caused him to connect with Him on all occasions. It strengthened the bond that he did not ever want to lose.

How did David get to know God like that, you might ask. Well, once there was this lion that threatened his life and the life of his sheep and God was there. Then there was this giant that needed to be slain... and God was there. Then a King that David loved and served faithfully put out a contract on his life... and God was there.  And there was a heinous sin in his life ... and still God was there. Looking at the life of David I think it is safe to say that we get to know God a whole lot better when life is rough than when it is smooth sailing.

How is your joy level? Being a mom gives you many opportunities for joy… but what about when the milk is dripping off the table for the third time today, the baby has another ear infection, Tigger is bouncing in and out of the toilet, your checking account is in the red and you are exhausted from trying to keep all the plates spinning and you can’t even remember the last time you had quality time with your husband?

Don’t let the events of the day rob you of your joy. Instead use those lions and giants and crazy kings that threaten to bring you down as an opportunity for you to watch God do what only He can do. Joy for David didn’t disappear when his life was in jeopardy because he had learned from a very young age that God was his Provider. In the midst of the storm that can sucked every ounce of happiness out of your world, God is your Provider. No matter what is going on in your life. He is there and is able to bring comfort and peace if you will let go of your need for control and realize that He’s got this. It’s too big for you anyway. 

"The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in him and he helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
and with my song I will praise him."
Psalm 28:7

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