Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Time For A Change

We have all heard it said that too often ‘Christians’ are known for what they are against more than what they are for. I wonder if the same could be said of parents.  Do the kids know what dad adores about mom or just what annoys him? Do they know how much mom looks forward to dad coming home from work, or do they note the heavy sigh when he walks in the door? Do the kids know how valuable they are to you or do they only know what will get them in big trouble if they get caught?

It is a big deal when people represent the Church or Christianity and are not doing a good job of reflecting Christ in the community, but how tragic it is for our children when we are claiming to follow Jesus and exhibit not the first sign of being transformed into the likeness of Christ at home. Angry words; no words; no evidence of communication with God; rules without relationship; harshness over-riding grace. Why would this atmosphere in our homes direct our kids to follow Jesus?

You will never be a perfect parent or spouse. Perfection is outside of our grasp. But are you on the journey with our family toward a perfect God? We all need Divine transformation. What does that look like? Take a look at Galatians 5:22-26

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control… Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.

Home is where we tend to let down our guard and relax, but the battle between good and evil has no down time. If you are not intentional about submitting to the transforming power of God at home, evil triumphs and the family suffers.

As you watch the leaves change this month, seek change in yourself. As the leaves begin to fall, be reminded of some of the habits and attitudes that don’t look like Jesus; things you need to let fall. Let’s commit to making changes in how we treat the ones for whom you are most responsible… the ones God has given us to love, cherish, honor and respect... our family.

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