Sheep are interesting creatures. Left to their own devises
they would have a difficult time surviving, especially in the Middle East,
which is the locale from which David experienced life with the flock. He writes
Psalm 23 as a shepherd who knows the needs of the sheep and as a “sheep” who
realizes his need of a Shepherd.
As parents, we are given the responsibility of being the “under-shepherd”
to our children, charged with the duty to raise them in such a way that they
will recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd and be prepared to follow as He
leads. Let’s take a look at a few of
David’s observations and see how we can bring that home.
1 The Lord is my shepherd. He gives me everything I need.
It is our
assignment, straight for God’s Word, to provide… not just for the physical
needs of our children, but for their spiritual needs, too. We wouldn’t think of allowing them to go a
day without food, but how many days do we go without sharing God’s promises or
instructions with them? Are you
nourished in the Truth that will give direction to your life? It’s hard to supply
their needs if you are neglecting your own.
2 He lets me lie down in fields of green grass.
He leads me beside quiet waters.
3 He gives me new strength.
He leads me beside quiet waters.
3 He gives me new strength.
We, like sheep,
need quiet rest in order to function well. As parents, we have to be the enforcer
of that, rather than the one who is constantly shouting, “Go Go Go!” and
enrolling them in activities that prevent them from having the time to meditate
and hear the voice of the Shepherd. Raging waters are an unsafe place for a
sheep to drink. They can easily be carried away by the current. The same will
happen with our children when we rush them through life without time to rest
quietly and digest the Truth that God wants them to hear. It is there that they
will gain Spiritual strength and stamina.
He guides me in the right paths
for the honor of his name.
He guides me in the right paths
for the honor of his name.
It is so easy to direct our
children’s behaviors for the honor of the family name. We don’t want to be
embarrassed in public… we want them to be good citizens… we want them to be at
their best when the world is watching… but often it is because we realize that
it is a reflection of our parenting. It is vital, as we guide and direct
the behaviors of our children, that we are doing so with the knowledge of God’s
desires for us and His plan for them. We must teach them to share because we
love one another, not just because it will create less fussing. We must teach
them to listen because there are vitally important things they need to hear,
not just because you are the authority. It’s really all about Jesus… not about
us. Raising them to honor Him is critical.
4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will not be afraid.
You are with me.
4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will not be afraid.
You are with me.
Dark valleys are
part of life. Our kids will struggle and bad things will happen and that is
when we have the opportunity to parent like our Good Shepherd. He doesn’t
shield us from pain, but reminds us that He is with us and has access to all we
need to get through it. He is our comfort and our protection. He is our ever-present,
loving God. Be there for your kids. Don’t try to dismiss their fears, but
realize that to them, they are very real. Love them through it so they know you
intend to be there for them, whatever the scenario.
Your shepherd’s rod and staff
comfort me.
comfort me.
I love this part.
The dual purpose of the rod and staff of a shepherd speaks volumes. They were
not tools to beat the sheep into submission, but could be used to ward off the
enemy as well as direct the sheep, protecting them from falling into danger or
rescuing them when they got into a situation they couldn’t get themselves out
of. It is our job to direct our kids.
When they are out of control, they are in danger and they need to be brought
back to safety. It is so easy to discipline out of anger, rather than to see
the danger that unacceptable behavior brings. Quickly halt the steps that are
heading toward the precipice and as you reel them in, explain why they must not
veer off to that dangerous place. “You must listen to me because I am able to
see the things that you are not tall enough (or mature enough) to see. If you
cannot listen and obey, then you are not safe and I will need to keep you right
beside me until you learn to listen and obey because I love you.” There is great comfort to a
child when they know that someone is there to keep them on the safe path.
5 You prepare a feast for me
right in front of my enemies.
You pour oil on my head.
My cup runs over.
right in front of my enemies.
You pour oil on my head.
My cup runs over.
Sometimes the “feast”
we prepare for our kids is actually the enemy! I am not the biggest health nut
around, but I observe a lot of children and the behaviors that seem to stem
from the nutrition or the lack of nutrition they receive. Consider the fact
that everything that goes into our bodies is intended for our good and if we
allow them to fill up on junk, we can expect a negative impact on them
physically and behaviorally.
The same is true
of the way they feed their minds. What is going into their heads on a daily
basis? Are they feasting on the Truth they need to combat the Enemy of their
A shepherd puts
oil on the head of the sheep in order to protect them from insects and
parasites that would get into their eyes and ears, causing infection. We are
mandated by our laws to vaccinate and inoculate our children to protect them
and those they associate with. There is also a mandate in God's Word to protect our children from
the Enemy by surrounding them with His Truth, His Love, His Law.
Sadly, there is no one checking up on us to make sure we follow through with
6 I am sure that your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life.
And I will live in the house of the Lord
6 I am sure that your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life.
And I will live in the house of the Lord
What greater goal can there be for any parent than to know
that we have done all we can to help our kids see and value the provision and
love of their Heavenly Father and desire to walk with Him throughout their
lives here and into eternity?
Be a good under-shepherd. Your little lambs need you!
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