Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What Will You Grow In 2015?

 “Don't be fooled. You can't outsmart God. A man gathers a crop from what he plants.  Some people plant to please their sinful nature. From that nature they will harvest death. Others plant to please the Holy Spirit. From the Spirit they will harvest eternal life. Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don't give up.”   Galatians 6:7-9

What does it mean to plant to please the Holy Spirit? It seems like we get caught up in a pile of “Dos and Don’ts” and never quite figure it out. Recently I have had a glimpse into what I think it means…
I often refer to my dad in my writings, because I have been blessed so much by him. And I am not alone. The cancer that has him looking at the final stretch of his journey on earth, seems to have brought an endless parade of people telling how their lives have been transformed by his willingness to put self aside and allow the Spirit of God to freely live in him. I am witnessing the beginning of dad reaping what he has sown. 

By the standards of our society, it doesn’t appear that his life has reaped much of a reward. He has virtually no assets. Doesn’t own a home and never has. His last car was over 20 years old when he got it. Most all of his clothing comes from Salvation Army, he draws no pension, lives on a meager Social Security check and has a small amount in his savings account… in case someone else needs something.  Don’t misunderstand. He has always been a hard worker and didn’t retire until he was 80, but he was never the type to store up treasures here on earth. After meeting the needs of his wife and children, he gave unselfishly to anyone who needed it.

Dad planted “to please the Holy Spirit” and this is what grew within him… “the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23. There is not a single one on that list that isn’t manifested in my dad. It didn’t happen because he was determined to exhibit those attributes. They simply grew out of a life that didn’t seek to please himself, but to put self out of the way to make room for the Spirit to inhabit his innermost being so that God could be seen, not Clarence Franklin, for most of his 81 years.

As 2015 begins, make this year different. Push away the desire to live to please self and live in a manner that makes room for the Spirit of God to grow in those places where you have stepped aside. Think you aren’t cut out for that kind of thing? Think again. We were all created to thrive when we unite with the Spirit of God and we all struggle when we try to live life to please ourselves… without making room for Him.

Someday, your children will reflect on your life in the same way I have been with my dad. What a blessing it would be to hear them report that they cannot identify you in any way other than one who lived their life planting to please the Holy Spirit and reaping a harvest of lives transformed by the fruit you bore.

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