Have you been looking back at 2015 and wondering about how
2016 will be different? Better? It’s that time of year that we all tend to scrutinize and
analyze, plot and plan. Here are a few suggestions that I have stolen from some
really wise people who place great value on raising their kids to honor God.
Here is what they have suggested…
Always look at the heart of your child, not just the
behavior. Behavior comes from an internal issue. Listen to them and find out
why they are behaving as they are and correct the behavior from the heart
Speak to others with respect and don’t yell. When we raise
our voice we are demonstrating that we are not in control. That is NOT what we
want them to believe is acceptable behavior.
Correct undesired behavior with examples of what could or
should have been said or done. As they get older, ask them. “How could you have
handled that better?”
Never speak unkindly or disrespectfully about others in the
presence of your children. It will teach them that it is okay to be judgmental
and critical of others.
Make sure that your day includes more face time than it does
screen time. Social media can wait until the kids are sleeping.
If you are married, treat your spouse the way you want your
child’s spouse to someday treat them. You are setting their “normal” so if you
are rude to your spouse, they will likely date people who are rude to them and
think nothing of it.
Plan ahead for healthy meals so that you aren’t pumping your
kids full of processed food that will have a huge impact on behavior and
health. Portion out your fruit and veggies in snack size bags so you can easily
grab and go! Check out the website plantoeat.com for a tool that can make your
life easier and healthier.
Develop routines for cleaning and organizing to minimize
frustration that comes when things start to pile up. By pre-school age have
your kids involved in small duties and expand them as they grow. Keep it
simple: Monday, collect and empty waste baskets. Tuesday, fold towels. Etc.
Read to your children and instill the love of books in them.
It will make school easier if they love to read.
Make worship a priority in your home. If something is
keeping you from weekly church attendance, make sure that it isn’t keeping you
from worshiping God together.
Read a book or two this year that will make you a better
person. Some of my favorite authors are Francis Chan, Kyle Idleman, Max Lucado
and Beth Moore… if you needed a suggestion.
Laugh out loud. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
Listen to Christian radio and keep a children’s cd of Sunday
School Songs in your vehicle so the kids are learning truths from the Bible in
the songs they sing.
Love your parents. Your kids will likely treat you as well
as you treat your parents some day. Let them see that you value them and honor
them, even if you don’t always enjoy or agree with them.
Remind your children to honor others above themselves, treat
others as they wish to be treated, show respect to all people and be kind. This
is not superfluous, but the behavior that honors God and creates peace in our
homes. Expect it and settle for nothing less.
Apply Romans 12:2 to every waking moment and let God
transform you by changing the way your think. The way you think determines how
you feel and the way you feel will dictate your words and actions. Give your
thoughts to God and let him have control of reshaping them. It will improve all
your relationships.