Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Parenting in a Biblical Void

According to C. S. Lewis, every moral rule is created to prevent a breakdown of the human machine. God’s laws are provided as a gift to us so that we can function as we were created to function. It is the manual for the operation of our daily lives. That moral rule of which he speaks is found in God’s Word, the Bible.  Many would say that it is obsolete or a book for the weak who can’t figure life out on their own, but I would contest that as I look at the culture that is drifting from the foundational truth we find in scripture. I see a place where humanity fills the void in their lives with drugs, alcohol, promiscuity and an unquenchable desire to acquire more and more of the things of this world, yet they are overcome with emptiness. I see a place where God’s most prized creation is bought and sold like a piece of furniture. I see a culture where children are not valued enough to be trained to travel the path God has laid out for them so that His plan might be fulfilled. I see a culture full of people who refuse to be held accountable for their actions and legislation being born continually because of our neglect, irresponsibility and blindness to the laws of God. One has to wonder how many laws have been written because of our refusal to “Love our neighbor as ourselves.”

As parents, we have a huge responsibility when it comes to our culture. As we train our children, we are shaping the next generation. I often hear parents complain that they feel powerless. They can’t discipline their children in public for fear of being arrested. Really? Condoning bad behavior is right and correcting it is wrong? In what world is that alright? They can’t control their child’s schedule because of the mandate from the coach. Really? Check their birth certificate. Is the coaches name there or was that child a gift from God to you? They can’t provide proper nutrition or rest or have any time as a family because they are constantly on the road going from this game to that lesson to this appointment. Really? Who hijacked your calendar and created that schedule?

We DO have a choice, but we will eventually lose that choice if we sit back and allow society to dictate what our values and beliefs should be. It is well past time for us to take back our homes, establish our values based on the Word of God and teach those values to our children.
Do you know what God’s word says about morality? Do you know what it says about love and respect and responsibility? Do you know how to shape the heart of your child so that they will find room for God as they grow into the age of accountability? You will learn these things in the Word of God and in association with others who are learning and striving to be godly parents.

Teaching your child to be “good” is nice, but what will happen with the cultural shifts that redefine for us the meaning of “good?”  There is ONE TRUTH and that is the foundation of all that I believe. That Truth is found in the Bible. It is God’s message of love to us so that the machinery of humanity can run smoothly, without a glitch. I don’t know about you, but I am not willing for any society to dictate to me how my child should grow or behave or find their way. I believe God’s word to be the only way to establish a worthwhile pattern for life that guides us to an eternity with Him. If you will take the time to dive into scripture you will find wisdom and knowledge that will equip you to be the leader in your home and community that God is calling you to be. And that, my friend, is the Truth!

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