Wednesday, November 11, 2015

It Really Is Better To Give

How many times have you heard a child ask, after tearing through a small mountain of gifts, “Is that all?” No matter how many they get, they seem to always be looking for more. Why? Well, if I asked you how much money you want to make next year I seriously doubt that you would give me a total that would be less or the same as the amount you made this year. We seem to be doing a fairly good job of modeling wanting more for our kids. Sad, but true.

Last week I picked up a little snowman holding a chalk board that said “_____ days ‘til Christmas” for my granddaughter. The countdown is on for all the magic of Christmas in the eyes of an 8 year-old. As I saw the excitement in her eyes, I kept thinking how nice it would be if they made the chalk board read, “__ days ‘til Jesus birthday.” Maybe then our focus could be on the gifts we could bring to Him rather than the list our children prepare for Santa.

What if our advent calendar didn’t supply a piece of candy every day, but a thoughtful gesture or helpful deed they could do in preparation for the coming of the Christ Child?

What if our family searched for people who were in need and delivered a sack of groceries to their door on the way home from the store?

What if our children were trained to notice the child on the playground with no gloves or a coat that no longer zips and brought home that information so you could anonymously purchase one for them?

What if we replaced a storm door for the neighbor whose door dangled from a broken hinge, or raked the yard, or shoveled the walk?

What if we had a regular night every month that was designated as an M25 day (Matthew 25:40) when we would, as a family or a group of families, be on mission to help “the least of these?”

Here’s the bottom line: A child who learns to want things for themselves will never have enough, but a child who learns to see the needs of others and reach out in love, will find contentment. This year, focus on the needs of the world. You learn the joy of being rich when you give to those in need.

By the way… it’s only 43 days til Jesus Birthday. 

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