Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Heart/Brain Connection

“Penny for your thoughts.” 

“What’s going on in your head right now?”

“What were you thinking?!?”

We have probably all had those questions asked of us. Maybe when we are staring off into space, obviously not connecting with our current surroundings. Perhaps our body language is telling a story when our lips are not saying a word. Or, we have just been caught doing something ridiculously unwise. It makes people curious when our actions or expressions indicate our head is somewhere else, so they ask about it.

It isn’t just our head, or thoughts that drift off to a far away place. Sometimes it is because of an issue in our heart.  Where is your heart when it fixed on the things that trouble you? The things you cannot control? The loved ones who are in need? The starving children of the world? The lost souls around you? The desires that overwhelm you? Is it fixed on that person that has taken your heart and wrapped it up so tightly that they have taken control of your world? Is your heart focused on pleasure? Is it focused on climbing to the top of your game? Is your heart controlled by the things of this world or the One who created you for the next world?

Physiologically speaking, the heart is necessary for life. When it stops beating, blood stops circulating. When there is no blood carrying the nutrients and the oxygen to the brain and other organs, life ends. Interestingly, the brain is the organ that experiences injury faster than any other organ once the heart stops.  The brain keeps all of our systems functioning, so it is essential for life to continue. It is possible for the heart to begin to beat again through the administering of CPR or the use of a defibrillator, but it must be done quickly, because the brain function, once it has stopped, will not return without a miracle.

I am not a science person, but, knowing that little bit from sixth grade science class, helps me to grasp the connection of our thoughts and our hearts on a spiritual level.  When our spiritual heart (the place God’s Spirit desires to inhabit) and our mind (the center of our thoughts) has a “blockage,” spiritual death is a certainty. Not only does this cause spiritual death for the person whose “heart” has stopped communicating with the “mind,” but it causes a huge bit of confusion for the world who is watching. Those who claim to follow Jesus are living with the same moral standards as those who do not.

It stands to reason, then, that there is some force at work to derail the signals from God’s Spirit in the heart of those who believe. Thoughts that are contrary to the Truth of His Word begin to take on a life of their own, separate from the guidance of the Spirit. There is something confusing the signals from the Spirit of God to alter the thoughts that grow in our minds. It’s not the guy in the red suit with horns and a pitchfork. We are far too smart to fall for the lies that he might use to steer us in the wrong direction. Oh, to be sure, it is the Evil one, but when we begin to believe that Satan is easy to identify and his lies are simple to see, we have fallen for the oldest trick in the book. The slick deception that began in Eden and caused the fall of humanity is still at work today. He appears to be our friend… to want to assist us and make our life richer, more exciting, more like the people around us. He doesn’t wear a DANGER sign or begin his conversations with a warning. That’s why we see people who claim to be followers of Jesus; who claim to have the Spirit of God living in them; who claim to be “Christians” living according to the standards of the world rather than according to the standard set for us in scripture. The standard that God gives us in order that we might discover the true abundance He has for us.

If you have not invited Jesus Christ to be LORD of your life, then this isn’t for you. But, if you have decided to be a follower of Jesus, then you have invited the Spirit of the Living God to guide and direct you; to live within you; to draw you into a relationship with Him that is eternal. If you have decided to follow Jesus then you are on your way to discovering the DESTINY that God has for you…the PURPOSE for which you were created…the ABUNDANCE that overwhelms…the HOPE that restores…the LIGHT that directs and the LOVE that transforms.


Shove the intruder out! He doesn’t care about your heart. He just uses it to short-circuit your thoughts. Give the place of honor back to the Spirit of God so that your mind can be focused on what is true and right and noble and good. Let your thoughts wrap securely around the love that will hold you tightly in the darkest of times and give you peace and hope and confidence. Allow the Spirit to direct you to the people and the places where you can grow to be what you were created to be.


You have lost hope or lost your focus… if you continually struggle in your finances, in your marriage, in your job, with your children, among your friends, in your relationships… take a good look and you just may discover that you are not making decisions according to the Spirit of God, but according to the Deceiver. You can’t follow both. Totally and completely give God your heart so that He alone can direct your thoughts… then the actions will follow that will reflect a healthy heart and mind.

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