Think back over the last 48 hours. Two days of your life.
They are forever gone and there are no do-overs. Make a mental list of the
things you accomplished. No doubt your lists will all differ. Some will be long
lists. Training children, reading them stories, bathing them, dropping them off
and picking them up from practice, tidying the house, doing a few loads of
laundry, packing lunches, helping with
homework or being the constant reminder that it needs to be done (along with
picking up their things and getting their backpack ready for school), fixing
dinner, making a shopping list, preparing dinner, running errands… and all of
this after an 8 hour day of work! One day runs into another and before you know
it a week has disappeared in another flurry of activity.
For others the list is shorter. After a busy day at work,
you come home, pop a frozen dinner in the microwave, flip on the TV and relax a
bit while scrolling through social media to “connect” with friends, while your
kids are in their rooms doing the same thing.
Some do less than the first list and some do more than the
second list. Often the people in the first list are in go-mode from early to
late every single day of every single season. If they took anything off their
To Do list, they would feel guilty or responsible for the doom that surely would
cause the Earth to spin backward if they ever slow down. There is an underlying
feeling that there will be a reward at the end of life for the person who
stayed the busiest and they dare not allow someone else to out-busy them and
walk away with the title, World’s Busiest Mom. After all, they make sacrifices
every single day to insure that their children get to participate continually
in a sport or club or activity that will keep them well rounded, develop their
skills, and stay out of the mayhem that will most assuredly suck them in if the
perpetual motion stops. Living in this constant chaos feels good because it
makes you a martyr for your family.
Both of these scenarios are grave exaggerations (I hope) of
what your last 48 hours actually looked like. If you are that busy, you won’t
even see this blog because, after all…who has time to read and meditate and
listen to anything that might inspire you to slow down and look at the habits
you are instilling in your children with all the hustle and bustle. If you are
that “chill,” you won’t open the blog because you are more interested in the drama
and intrigue in the lives of others than creating and improving your own life.
So for you middle of the road people who are taking the time
to read this and have considered the last 48 hours of your life, I have one
more request. Take that list and lay it before the One who made you for a
purpose and ask Him what needs to be added or taken away in order to accomplish
the mission that is waiting for your obedience. Now, slow down and listen.
Do you love children? There are so many that need to be
loved, tutored, taught, trained, helped, fostered…
Are you drawn to the elderly? You could change their week so
much by going to visit them for a couple of hours.
Do you have skills to assist young adults with budgeting
their time and money and teach them the things that nobody else has taught
Are you mechanically inclined? There are likely people in
your area about to lose their job because their car isn’t dependable.
Do you love being outside? There is probably a yard nearby
with leaves to rake or branches to pick up or grass to mow or shrubs to trim
and you could provide that blessing.
Maybe you are amazing at finding coupons and rebates and
sales and save so much when you shop that you could take some quality food to
someone living on ramen noodles.
Is baking your “therapy” but you don’t dare eat as much as
you make? Bake a loaf of bread or cookies and take it to whomever the spirit
points out to you.
Do you love to organize? There are dozens of people who
would love to have you wade through a mess that is overwhelming them.
You don’t have to look very far to see needs, but you do
have to slow down and listen to determine where God wants you to use the gifts
he has given you. Jesus told His followers that whatever you do for those in the
deepest need, is a priceless gift to Him. He has asked us to be generous with
the gifts we have. After all, He is the One who gave them to us.
There is someone who needs you today. God will point them
out to you. If you rush in without consulting Him, you may find that your
resources of time and energy and money are spent in the wrong place. Make sure
you take the time to be directed by His Spirit.
You have taken the time to read this. Now, what will you do
with it?
Will you slow down enough to listen and discover who that
person is that God is calling you to bless?
Will you use the talent and time and resources He has given you
to be a blessing?
I pray that you will allow enough margin of time and
resources to listen and obey, because, after all….
That’s why you’re here!
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