Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A King, A Dad, A Judge And Us

There is a pretty good chance you remember some of the stories about David, the humble shepherd boy who killed the giant, Goliath, and went on to become the mighty warrior king in ancient Israel. He truly accomplished great things in his 70 years, of which more than half were devoted to serving God by serving the people of God.

David wasn’t the perfect, godly man, yet in spite of the wrongs he committed against God and others, he is known for the heroic deeds of his life. He was rewarded with fame and fortune for all of his victories, yet at the end of his life the most important task to him was to pay tribute to God. He wanted to insure that the God who led him to victory, who showered him with mercy, who granted grace where it was undeserved, would be honored in such a way that all people would see the monument… the temple… the place of worship that his son, Solomon, would erect. Why? Because, without God, nothing he had accomplished mattered one bit.

I lost my hero… my King David last December. I held his hand as he left this world and entered the presence of the God he loved and served. Before he left, he wrote in his journal, “The message at my funeral is not about my virtue, but about God’s grace.” I believe that Dad and David shared the same heart for God (though my Dad was much less violent and never allowed power to corrupt him). I know that I long for the message of my life to point to God, not to anything I may accomplish.

This morning I got word that a friend, a colleague in ministry, a women who devoted herself to her God, her family and community lost the battle to cancer. Judge Amy Cornell leaves behind a husband and three young children. It’s hard to lose a hero. It hurts deeply. But, the Davids and the Franklins and the Amys of this world have planted seeds in our hearts that remind us there is something more to life than our days on this planet. It is our adventure with our God that allows us to invest in others while we are here that pays dividends into an unknown future.

While many of us are still scrambling to gather our 2017 tax information we can see where our financial investments were in the previous year and take stock of what we spent, discovering what we apparently valued most.  We can look back at our calendars and discover how our time was invested and discover more of what we valued.  But, may I encourage you to step back and look at your people… your spouse, your parents, your children and grandchildren, your co-workers and neighbors, and witness the investment you placed in their lives in the previous year. Who have you been to those people God has placed on your path? Did you shine the light of truth; shower the love of God that overflows within you; walk alongside and teach the ways of Jesus? 

What are the dividends being paid on your most important investment… the time and prayer and grace and love and instruction that you are pouring into others for God’s sake? That, according to Scripture, is all that really matters in the end. God made us each His Masterpiece. We were each created for a purpose. We are all part of a Divine plan. Heroism is not reserved for the King Davids or the Clarence Franklins or the Amy Cornells of this world. So, shake the wrinkles out of your super cape and soar to that place where God is calling you to be a hero, reflecting the goodness and grace of a loving Creator God.

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