In the story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 we read
that David’s resume to King Saul included defeating the bear and lion. With
thousands of sheep in his care, it would have been much easier to chase away
the lion with a sheep in his clutches so that he didn’t kill more of the
sheep… or worse. But, that was not the way David performed his job of shepherd
to his father’s sheep. First, he rescued the sheep from the mouth of the lion,
then he killed the lion to remove all potential harm from him in the days to
come. That is what qualified him to fight the giant, Goliath.
As I consider the sermon from Sunday, that you can listen to
and ponder how I can bring this message into our homes, my thoughts keep going
to all the predators that come against our marriage and other relationships. I
believe that our thoughts are the lions and bears that prowl around in our
minds, attacking the flock of love that was once so strong. And we are not
seeing the loss, but allowing it to keep happening until our love that once
was beyond counting, now looks like a hobby farm… or worse! If we ever hope to
be victorious in our relationships… or in life, we better begin to
face those thoughts and come against them with the tenacity David exhibited in
order to protect his father’s sheep from predators.
Hear me clearly. I am not suggesting that we make every
little misspoken word into a major discussion. Nor do I feel that it is
important to dissect every little misunderstanding or bring every mistake
before the firing squad. What I am suggesting is that you take a look inside of
you and find those lions and bears that have their claws out and teeth
sharpened and are prepared for attack at the smallest infraction. That is the
enemy that you must learn to subdue so that when the giant comes, you have the
experience under your belt to bring down a beautiful victory.
Allow me to take the veil off of some of these lions and
bears that live in our thoughts so you can see how they are putting you at risk,
and show you how to defeat them…
“She is getting so
lazy that I don’t even know her anymore. She used to keep the house tidy and
make my favorite meals, but now the place is a wreck and we have fast food more
often than not.”
Subdue those thoughts and
realize there is always a reason when things change and perhaps it isn’t
laziness. Rather than stewing about the way things are, consider that there is
an underlying cause for her fatigue and take an interest in making things
better by helping make the house the way you want it. The words, “I know it’s been a rough week and you could
use a hand so let’s tackle this together,” may just take that lamb out of the
mouth of the lion.
“He spends the whole
weekend in front of the TV, or working in the garage, or (fill in the blank),
and never has time for me. How am I supposed to compete for his attention when
he has obviously lost interest in building a life with me?”
Tackle that
predator immediately because it is one step away from a huge pity party that
won’t end well. Perhaps the need for a diversion is what gives him the energy
to go to work every day. I know that, if you are a mom, you don’t get a lot of
down time, which can give you a bad attitude and make you resent the down time
that our guys seem to be able to find more easily. Perhaps we could take a
lesson from them and find ways to share in the refreshment that restores our
energy. A simple acceptance of the importance of rest, or appreciation of the
things they accomplish in the garage or yard is a good start. Now couple that
with a non-defensive, non-attacking conversations about how thankful you are for
his ability to balance work and play and that you want to learn to do that in
order to be a better wife and mother. If you need help, stop expecting him to
see it or read your mind and start asking for help with a gentle and kind
voice. Respect his need to rest and don’t expect more of him than you do of
yourself, but if you need him, tell him!
“He doesn’t even seem
to notice me until the lights go off. Is that all I am here for?”
intimacy was created to strengthen and bless the bonds of marriage, yet it often
appears to be the hungry bear that kills it. If you see the desire for intimacy
as the bear and attack it, you are coming against the wrong enemy. One of the
most beautiful ways to grow in your relationship is to realize the blessing of
being desired by your husband. Learn to receive the love that is given (in the
way he knows best how to give) with grace and gratitude. Consider how you might
feel if he shunned your attempt to show your love to him. You make his favorite
meal/he says he isn’t hungry. You extend your arms for a hug/he walks away. You
buy him a gift/he sets it aside without opening it. You plan a date/he just
wants to stay home. When you learn to destroy the thoughts that his desire for
you is unacceptable, and gracefully receive his gift to you, you may be
surprised at how the intimacy between you begins to flourish.
If you hope to defeat the giants that will try to destroy
your home, you must first look inside of you for the lions and the bears that
live in your thoughts. With the power of the Most High God, come against those
thoughts and destroy them for good. Be courageous and see what your marriage
could be, not what it is right now. Don’t allow the struggles to bring failure
into your future, but use them to strengthen you for whatever lies ahead. Remember,
Satan is the enemy, not your spouse, and God has already defeated him, so don’t
let him convince you otherwise. When you believe his lies, you give him power
in your life. Fix your thoughts on the power of God, not the taunts of the
giant. Don’t forget that he was taken down with God’s strength and one smooth
Satan will come against your home just as Goliath came
against the Israelites. David’s response to that…
“You come to me with
sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s
Armies- the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord
will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will
give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild animals, and the whole
world will know that there is a God in Israel! And everyone assembled here will
know that the LORD rescues his people, but not with sword and spear. This is
the LORD’S battle and He will give you to us.”
Be bold. Be courageous. Take a stand against the evil that
defies your relationships. This battle is the LORDS and your victory is waiting
for you. Just pick up that stone and aim it at the evil thoughts that Satan is
trying to plant in your mind to convince you that you cannot win and discover
how amazing victory can be!
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