I loved getting it clean but it never stayed that way. Every day there would be more information added that needed to be wiped off so even more information could be added the next day. EXCEPT when the Mrs. Geller would write in big cursive letters, Save. For a day or a week, they were important and could not be erased, probably because it was something we were struggling to learn.
Your child's mind is like that chalk board. There are things that go on it that need to be erased. Some because they never should have heard or seen it. Some because they have it mastered and more space is needed for new things. Some things need to be circled and marked, Save. because they are important and worth teaching again and again.
The most important thing in the saved circle should be, You are loved, no matter what. Kids need to know that they are not their actions. They are a priceless creation made by God for a purpose. I would encourage you to sit down and come up with some non-negotiables that you want your kids to commit to memory. Things that will shape their character. Things that should be written and saved in their hearts.
They will see many things in their childhood. They will remember things with a skewed childish perspective. They will learn to challenge and disobey and be disrespectful. And you have the eraser. The only way you will be able to fill their minds and hearts with what is good and right and noble is if you take the time to erase they things that harm. Keep your eyes open and notice when a word or action is inappropriate and know that bad information has been written that must be erased. Explain to them why and then write what is good and loving on the chalkboard of their hearts. No need to yell it unless you want to be as obnoxious as fingernails on a chalkboard. Just speak the truth in love and keep their chalkboard full of truth that can be saved within them always.
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