What would happen if you stood a 2 month old infant on her feet and said to her, "You've got this!"? She will crash to the ground because she is unprepared to walk. Her body has not developed and her mind doesn't even understand your command to walk. She was never intended to walk as a 2 month old baby. And that is okay. Her parents don't love her less for crashing. They know she is totally dependent on others to help her get from place to place. Clearly, she can't handle this alone.
By the same token, you were never intended to manage your life on this planet alone. You were made for paradise and communion and harmony with and dependence upon your Creator. There will always be voices that tell us otherwise; that we don't need God; we don't need a crutch; we don't need the church; we don't need the Bible; we don't need prayer; we don't need to love everyone. "You've got this!" they cry and every single time we try to go it alone and do our own thing, there is a crash. We saw that happen with Adam and Eve and all throughout history and it is still happening today.
No matter how strong or smart or spiritual you get; no matter how disciplined you are; no matter how much you want to be a godly example... you just cannot do that on your own strength. You can't handle that alone. You need a Guide, a Master, a Savior, a Shepherd that you can lean on and learn from every single day. God isn't disappointed in you for that because He made you to need Him. It's right there in the Divine schematic. He made us and was pleased with the design. But without His power source, we are going to crash. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will happen eventually because we were created to run on His strength and wisdom, not our own.
Knowing this to be a truth of humankind, perhaps the greatest gift you can give your kids is to let them see you leaning into God's strength, admitting your weakness and your need for Him. Sure, you are their Super Hero... at least for the first half of childhood... and that feels pretty good. But, if they are to see that they were designed to depend on God, they have to see that modeled and know that all that makes you a hero comes from leaning on Jesus.
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