Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Who's In Charge Here?

It seems that today there is a marketing plan for everything. The goal is to convince you that you need whatever they are selling. I think one could put the fuzzy green substance just discovered lurking, forgotten in the back of the fridge and find a buyer for it if it was put in the right container with the proper claim of its tremendous benefits! But, news would travel fast that what is on the inside doesn't match what is on the outside and sales would quickly plummet because it what really matters is what is inside.

We all know that, so it's not exactly an epiphany that what is in our hearts is what really matters. And guess who sees what is in our hearts more than anyone else. If you said the people under your own roof, you are absolutely correct. Your spouse, parents, children, grandchildren... they are the ones that witness who you are when stress comes to visit. They see your reaction to fear or to annoying people. They see how you respond to them and others when you are tired or distracted or not feeling well.

As followers of Jesus, we can make a lot of claims.  We can have high standards. We can follow a creed or a list of self-imposed disciplines. We can try to convince others that our God is good and they should follow Him. We can read books and blogs, listen to sermons and podcasts, but, if we can't convince our family that the Spirit of God is in control of our thoughts and actions, out attitudes and words, then there doesn't seem to be much purpose or point to how we "market" ourselves to the world.

Our acceptance of Jesus as our Savior gives us an all access pass to the Holy Spirit... the Comforter and Counselor that Jesus told His followers would be with them in His absence. It is the Spirit of God within us that has the power to take the reins, lasso our thoughts, determine if they should stay or go and move us in the right direction. When we learn to let go of our control we will begin to see the results of a life of surrender to the Spirit of God. Here is how Eugene Peterson describes it...

"What happens when we live God's way?
He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard - 
things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity.
 we develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, 
and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. 
We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, 
able to marshal and direct our energies wisely."

Galatians 5:22-23 -The Message Bible

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