"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30
Why do we choose to be angry rather than to understanding? Or to be envious rather than grateful? Or to be bitter rather than forgive? To be weary rather than rest? To be burdened rather than to trust? It just seems to be our default setting to accept pain as reality rather than seek the cure. Jesus said that we will have suffering in this life, but He never said we had to hold on to it tightly and be completely miserable.
The above passage can easily be brought home. Think of your marriage or other relationships that have you worn down, weary, burdened, exhausted. How likely are you to take that to Jesus and accept His rest from that burden? Aren't we more inclined to stew about it, share it with our co-workers, put it on social media, confide in ALL of our dearest friends than we are to simply come to Jesus with it? Perhaps it is because we have read the next sentence: Take MY YOKE UPON YOU... and we see that yoke as a form of bondage. A giving up of our free will. A shackle that keeps us from doing things our way. Not that "our way" has much merit or has brought any relief to the stress growing into a broiling volcano under our roof.
But, there is so much to be gained by taking that yoke. You get to snuggle in close and learn from the LORD himself. Learn the rhythm of His movement. Learn the joy of His presence. Learn the gentleness that builds relationships. Learn the humility that comes when we finally see the log in our own eye when we were angry over the speck in our rivals. And learn the rest that comes when His grace completely covers that log up and moves us forward.
The reason His yoke is easy is because, when yoked in partnership with Him, we no longer carry the weight of judging others. That belongs on His side and is too heavy for us to carry. We don't have to hold any grudges because vengeance belongs to Him. It will crush us if we try to shoulder it. We don't have to withhold love and affection because when we walk in sync with Him, we learn that love is unconditional and there is no exception. We don't have to keep track of the score, but can find rest knowing that He has seen it all.
Is there stress in your home that is wearing you down? Is your family life doing pretty well? Either way, may I encourage you to take a look at that yoke. It isn't what you might think. It's not about bondage. It is a tool for rest. His yoke is not like shackles, but like a shelter from stress you were never meant to carry. Come. Take. Learn. Rest.
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