The way we think has great power to control the outcomes of our lives. The human mind is a stage where drama loves to play and the drama that is created there, whether consciously or unconsciously, has the potential to make us or break us. It has the potential to orchestrate success or failure in our human interactions, our relationships, our job performance, our homes and our overall well-being.
The brain is a powerful organ, often referred to as the computer that controls the entire body and all of its systems. The mind, being the drama that it is, likes to short-circuit that magnificent organ and cause it to work less effectively on our behalf. This explains why medical professionals have determined that more than half of the ailments in the human body stem from stress... which is the drama that the mind creates with which to hijack the healing powers of the brain.
If you don't believe me, then why were we afraid of the ocean after watching Jaws? Why did the noises in the utility closet sound like raptors after watching Jurassic Park? Why was it so hard to trust my husband back in the days when I "treated" myself to 2 days of soap operas a week? I am certain I am not alone in this struggle. You, too, have had your mind mess with you at some point.
So if your mind is playing out a scene of distrust, sorrow, worry and strife; jealousy, envy, anger and bitterness, and you don't get up an walk out on that performance, your brain will send a legion of neurons that will cause your body to react in negative ways. But, what if you were to close the curtain and fire the cast and shut down the show. What if, instead you decided on a whole new drama where the outcomes align with the promises in scripture? What if you truly believed that you could be a new person with a new life and a new found love and passion for your spouse? What if you believed that you could master the thing that you've been struggling with? What if you believed that you could be a success and impact the world in a positive way? It would be a game changer, for sure.
As I concentrate on the mind and it's potential to alter our lives, I think of Paul's instruction for us to wear the whole armor of Christ to conquer the battles waged by evil. I believe that it is no coincidence that he chose to have us wear the helmet of salvation in order to protect the "computer" that controls our movements and our health and well-being. When our salvation is secure, we have the power of God within us to conquer whatever life brings us, so why do we need a helmet to protect us? Perhaps because God knew that the drama in life that can bring us good times, can also strip away the truth by firing lies at us. The world is full of such lies and without protecting ourselves from those lies and all that drama, we will not live victoriously and abundantly as God's Word promises. We are easily dragged down by the thoughts planted in our mind by the enemy and he will use that stage to do terrible damage and kill our effectiveness as parents, as husbands, as wives, as followers of Jesus.
Bringing this message home, I encourage each of you to take note of the drama in your mind and act immediately to capture every rebellious and unhealthy thought and make it submit to Jesus Christ who is our Truth (2 Corinthians 10:1-6). If it does not build up your marriage, if it does not help you parent in a Godly manner, then close the curtain and change the scene to the thoughts that will bring healing and wholeness to your home. Look for thoughts that are true, honorable, right and pure. Focus on what is lovely and admirable and excellent and worthy of praise (Philippians 4:8) and see where those thoughts will take you. Let God transform you, your home, your marriage and your family dynamics by changing the way your think.