In the book of John, Jesus friend and follower tells the
story of one of the remarkable healings Jesus performed. As I listened to the
sermon Sunday and read through it again today I think this might be one of the
best stories in the Bible to direct and encourage parents, particularly Moms
because I think we do guilt better than Dads do. Have a look at this what
happened as Jesus walked into Jerusalem, past the spring fed pool that was said
to have healing powers whenever an “angel stirred the waters”…
3-4 Here a great number of disabled people used to lie down.
Among them were those who were blind,
those who could not walk, and those who could hardly move.
Can you relate to seeing a multitude of things that need
attention. You have the ability to address them and put things in order. You
have the skills, and if you sleep less and work faster, you could actually put
more on that list that you love to check off showing that you have accomplished
more than Wonder Woman on a good hair day. In the life of a Mama, there is
never time to be bored and never a day without chores and responsibilities call
out to us. For some of us who have a bit of a Savior Syndrome, we even look
outside our homes to come to the aid of others. It is the right thing to do,
right? Jesus came to serve and we are told to be like Jesus. So, moving through
life, full throttle, with barely time to sleep, we seek to accomplish as much
as possible in the course of a week.
Let’s see how Jesus handled this invitation to serve a
multitude of people who clearly were in need…
5 One person was there who had not been able to
walk for 38 years. 6 Jesus saw him lying there. He knew that the
man had been in that condition for a long time. So he asked him, “Do you want
to get well?”
I have read this story many times, but
when the pastor pointed this out Sunday, it was the first time I had connected
the dots to reveal Jesus problem solving skills. In the midst of great need,
Jesus didn’t pull out His notebook and make a list of all the needs. He didn’t
even delegate to his followers. He simply allowed God to move Him toward the
one who He was to heal. One. Holding within Himself the power to do miraculous
things, Jesus slowed His pace, likely spoke to His Father about the situation,
then let His eye rest on the one lame man God pointed out. I imagine there is
much more to the story that John didn’t write down. There was likely a
conversation in order to Jesus to discover that the man had been lame for 38
years. And, do you know what I see? Jesus
listened to his story. He took the time to sit and listen rather than rush
through so He could get on to the next healing.
Parents, teachers, grandparents,
caregivers… when we take the time to listen to God, we are directed to the task
He has laid out for us. When we busy ourselves continually, we are choosing to
do what God has planned for someone else and may never get to be the gift we
were created to be. Maybe you have high energy and maybe you CAN do a lot for others and for your own
family, but that doesn’t mean you SHOULD.
Stop and listen and let God direct you to the mission He created specifically
for you. And let go of the guilt for not fixing everyone and everything. You
weren’t called to that! You are human, not divine. Remember that!
I get it! It is so easy to operate on auto pilot and rush
through life attacking this, solving that, conquering all the obstacles that
are perched on your path. But, sometimes you need to just STOP AND LISTEN. Remember
that every time you say YES to something, you end up saying NO to something
else… even if that something else is a casual family dinner or extra cuddles at
bedtime or a date with your spouse. All those things that seem to easily get
shoved aside in our hectic culture, may just be the things that God is waiting
for you to do in order to shape you into the person He created you to be.
Don’t forget, God didn’t say, “BE BUSY and know that I am
God.” He said, “Be still and know that I
am God.” Slow down. Listen. Be a good follower. Fulfill God’s plan for YOU, not
for someone else.
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