How do you know that you are loved? Words of tenderness?
Actions? A look? A special touch? A gift? An act of service? Words of
affirmation? Quality time together? We may each answer differently and it may
change from day to day, but one thing is certain, love isn’t something you
proclaim one time and then walk away assuming that person will always feel
loved. Love is something that you cultivate and build and grow over a span of
time. Without that effort, a loving relationship soon turns into no
relationship at all.
A short time before Jesus went to the cross he told His
followers that He loved them before He knew them. God’s love is eternal with no
beginning and no end and Jesus said,
the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.”
And then he follows that with,
remain in my love.”
How does one “remain” in a love that has been
given freely? Jesus goes on to explain…
10 “If
you keep my commands, you will remain in my love,
as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.”
What He doesn’t say is, “If you do a long list of
chores, I will love you.” He has already proclaimed His love that we could
never do anything to earn. The way, however, to swim in the sea of His love and
soak it in and feel it deeply is to do what He did… follow the way of God. And
why is it important to Him? Because He wants us to experience the joy that comes
as a result.
11’ I
have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be
So, what is this command of God that will supply
this joy? He tells us…
12 “My
command is this:
each other as I have loved you.”
Let’s bring that love home for a minute. Do you
love your spouse as Jesus loves you? With no conditions? Will you love them on
those days when they don’t get it right and leave you feeling unloved? Will you
love them even if they don’t seem to return your love in a way that feels warm
and fuzzy? Jesus loved us just like he loved His followers 2000 years ago, when
they fell short, when they fell asleep on the job, when they failed and
betrayed Him. When we are nothing but a hot mess, He loves us… AND that is what
He is asking of us. To love without conditions.
That’s hard! Since love is such an investment for
us, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, it is only natural to
expect something in return. We don’t like the idea of sacrificing day after day
with no pay off. But, Jesus addressed the idea of sacrifice in the very next
13 “Greater
love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
He knew what they didn’t. His life was about to
be required of Him. He knew that it was necessary in order to reconcile God and
humanity. That was the plan from the start and it was about to come to pass. He
was about to demonstrate the meaning of love with 2 boards and some nails. “Love
each other as I have loved you.” He made the ultimate sacrifice to demonstrate
His love. He showed us the picture of a love that gives.
I think that is why Jesus said you can’t claim to
love Me if you don’t love others (1 John 4:20). You cannot possibly live
in the love He freely offers if you don’t offer the same love to others…at
least as much as is humanly possible. It would be like trying to build a
relationship with someone with different customs and traditions who speaks an
entirely different language. You may like the way they look or the idea of
being in a relationship with them, but without communication of some sort, a
relationship cannot be built.
If you are feeling like your relationship with
Jesus isn’t growing and thriving, then look no further than your relationships
with others to discover what the problem may be. You can’t live in His love if
you don’t love sacrificially. When
we learn to love deeply and freely, we begin to experience the joy that God
intends for us.
If you feel like your marriage is growing cold,
don’t focus on
what you aren’t getting,
focus on what you aren’t giving.
and learn to live in love
so that your joy will be complete.
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