A new year. A clean slate. Where do I begin? Perhaps you are
asking those same questions. We all hope for a better year, but what will we do
to make it happen?
In 2017 my husband and I both spent time in the hospital.
That is something I would like to eliminate from 2018. We all have some degree
of control over our health and should do all we can to care properly for our
bodies. But, there are some things that are out of our control. What can you do
to better honor the body God has given you so that you will be able to do what
he planned for you before you were even born?
In 2017 our youngest son went through a very difficult time
and was too far away for us to be with him. As much as I wanted to, I realize there
is no way that any of us can take the pain from someone and shoulder it ourselves.
We can, however, be there to listen and encourage and pray for them as they
walk through the valley. Are there ways you can walk alongside a friend during
their struggles? Can you allow the Light to shine from you to direct them along
the way?
In 2017 my mother was taken to the hospital with what
appeared to be stomach flu and in a week she was gone. The grief over that loss
is still fresh and painful. I cannot bring her back, nor would she want to
return to her broken body, but I have learned much about life through her
passing that I hope will make me a better person in 2018 than I was in
2017. For one thing, you can never love
someone too much or tell them too many times that you love them. There isn’t a
limit on kindness and forgiveness and gentleness that one should extend to
others. For another thing, it is always
good to listen with your heart. The things we hear don’t always carry the
intended message. Give people the benefit of the doubt and allow them to
explain rather than jumping to conclusions. In many ways, I am gaining more understanding
of and appreciation for my mother since she has passed. She is still teaching
me. I would love to live my life in such a way that people will learn from me
while I am here on this earth, as well as when I go to my final reward.
I am not fond of resolutions at the beginning of the year. I
tend to find things all 12 months that I need to start or stop doing or saying
or feeling. Typically these things are learned in the darkest hours. In the
trials. In the challenging circumstances. I hope that your 2018 is filled with
laughter and joy… but in retrospect I know that you will grow more in the
struggles, so I must wish you a few of those, as well.
As a parent, there will be laughter and there will be pain.
You have to grow and learn something new with every stage of development your
kids encounter. Adults change, too, so your marriage is evolving and you should
be learning to love better in the place you currently are, rather than doing
the same things you have always done. Things at work tend to change as well.
Will you embrace it and learn and grow or grumble all the way though it?
I guess what I am trying to say is that we really mustn’t
curse the darkness, but use it to find the Light. Without those difficult
times, we tend to think we have things under control and the truth is, very
little is ever in our control. Just when we have something mastered, another
thing arises. Nothing truly remains the same throughout our life. Except for
God. Because of that, it is imperative that those who desire to follow God’s
perfect will, must stay connected to Him. That is my 2018 prayer for you. Connect with
God in new and real ways. Let Him make you a new person. Here are some suggestions to make that happen.
Be in the Word. Learn
with another follower. Let His truth transform you (Romans 12)
Surround yourself
with people who make you a better person.
Be a person who
prays. Talk to Him and listen with your heart. Say the Lord’s Prayer daily and
meditate upon its meaning.
Let praise and
thankfulness always be in your heart.
Happy New You!
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