Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Think Big!

I like to play it safe. I am not an adventurous risk taker. If it is outside of my comfort zone, I can rationalize all the reasons that I shouldn’t participate. I know how to play to my strengths and avoid dealing with my weaknesses. I can become crippled with fear at the thought of having to do something that seems nearly impossible to me and, probably not so very different from you, I can easily choose to live in a safe little world of serving God. I don’t look for opportunities to be in the limelight, but am perfectly content to sit in the shadows, giving support to those who will lead well. That is me. And I like me! Me is a comfortable and happy place to live. Me is content. Contentment is good. Right?

Contentedness is a paradox. It can be a blessing or a beast. Often it keeps me in a safe place, but what if God is calling me to a place where I would have to depend on Him, and not myself and my gifts. Sunday, Pastor Chris quoted Mark Batterson, “If your prayers aren’t impossible to you, they are insulting to God.” I haven’t been able to get that out of my mind. What could I really do for Jesus if I would be open to the impossible?

I have experienced times when I had to step way outside of my comfort zone. Like when our daughter, Emily, was in a research hospital in Chicago for 5 months. Driving in Chicago was WAY out of my comfort zone. Learning to speak medical-ese and ask lots of questions that probably that probably made me look like an idiot; challenging the decisions of the experts just to make sure they were really doing the best for her; having to ask for care for Justin, our younger son, so that I could be with Emily; depending on others to carry my load at home. All those things were completely out of my comfort zone and you can probably guess what happened in me as a result of leaving my comfort zone.

Then there was the call to lead elementary children at a church of nearly 2,000 people. I had only served in small churches, where I could know everyone and love on them and guide them into leadership. Now I was surrounded by strangers every week trying to know them like I did in a much smaller setting.

And I did fly to the other side of the globe to develop Children’s Ministry leaders at a Church Plant in Australia. Before then, I had never traveled outside of Indiana on my own. Now I was going to a place I had so little knowledge of, learning a different culture, loving on some amazing people who drove on the wrong side of the street, and trading the Indiana deer for the Queensland kangaroo. That was WAY out of my comfort zone.

In all those “discomfort zones,” I began to find a new me. There was growth and a broadening of my comfort zone. I learned so much that I can barely remember what it was like to be the me that played it safe. I learned that God is able to transform me into who He needs me to be at any given time, if I simply let go and allowed Him to direct my path.

But… that was five years ago and more. As I continue to mull over that sermon in my heart, I know that it is always time to pray bold prayers for God to use me in whatever manner will fulfil His plan. I must KNOW that my contentment is because I am in the center of His will, and not simply because what I am doing comes so naturally to me that it has become simple. My God has a big plan. Not a simple one.

Maybe it is time for you to join me in praying bold prayers and asking God to do big things in and through you. Maybe it is time to stop hiding behind the fear that we like to identify as humility. “I am just not good enough, I am not fast enough, I am not knowledgeable enough, I am not skilled enough… to do any more than I am already doing.” With all those “I” statements, are we really all that humble? We are totally focused on ourselves. When we compare ourselves to others, who are we thinking about? Ourselves! When we hide from new challenges, who are we thinking about? Ourselves.

Humility is NOT thinking less of yourself. It is thinking of yourself, less. Maybe it is time to let go of all the false humility and allow God to take us to a whole new level of following Him. Imagine the fulfillment of actually taking your hands off the wheel and letting God steer you to new heights. Be bold and audacious as you pray for His will to be done in your life and you will see growth like never before! Who knows? He may even throw in the bonus of a few kangaroos!

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