If you had a super power, what would it be? That is a
question I often ask kids just to get conversations started. I think I have
landed on the same one, over and over again. TRUTH. Not like Wonder Woman’s
lasso of truth that, once you have it around your waist, you are compelled to
tell the truth. My super power of truth would allow me to open the minds of all
people to see TRUTH.
It is a really important super power, because once you know
the truth, you are set free from all the speculation, imaginings and lies of
Satan that create fear, doubt and brokenness.
Marriages crumble because
of false perceptions about how your spouse is feeling or what they are
thinking. Careers have been destroyed due to the suspicion not based on the
truth. Court cases have been lost and innocent people found guilty, all because
the truth is obscured from the mind of the jurors. Guilty people, conversely,
have walked free because the truth was not told.
Students are wrongly accused, suspected of wrong-doing and
they have to work doubly hard to restore the trust of their teachers and
classmates. Even our own children have been punished by us because we don’t
know what really happened.
So many things would be better if we knew the truth. Jesus
even stated that it is truth that sets us free (John 8:32). He wants His
followers to believe that He is who He says, and what He says is true. Not just
on an intellectual level, but something that you know in your heart… so much so
that you are compelled to follow Him. Completely. Totally. Surrendered.
I talk to people every day that live in bondage because they
cannot see the truth that God loves and cares specifically about them. They have
listened to lies about who God is and, ofen, about who they are. If only I could
use my wannabe super power to help them to see God and see that they were
fashioned by a Mighty Creator. I would help them to see that this Creator loves
them and made them in His very image so that, if they walk with Him and learn
from Him, His glory would be reflected in their lives. I would tell them that
He truly made them with a purpose and they are no accident. His plan for their
life is waiting to unfold once they see the truth of who they are and who God
is and allow God’s redemptive grace to reconnect them to Him.
If I could make you see the truth, I would give you faith
that the God who made you, loved you enough to leave heaven and become human so
that His sacrifice could reunite you with Him for eternity. I would show you that
death could not keep Him in the grave, but that He arose from the dead on the 3rd
day and returned to heaven to prepare a place for you. I would use my super
power to convince you that the Spirit of God remains with you always, and will
direct your steps toward God’s intended purpose for you.
But, alas, I have no super power… however, the One who holds
all power in His hand is the Author of Truth. His heart’s desire is for you to
know the truth about Him, and the truth about yourself. Ask Him to open your
eyes and your heart to His Truth, and let Him set you free from the lies that Satan
has told you. Live in the freedom of truth and not in the bondage of lies. It
will change your life, forever!
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