Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Lessons From the Buffalo

Last week we traveled to Yellowstone for a wonderful family vacation. We spent every day traveling in a national park, enjoying the contrast from life at home in Indiana. One major difference was that in Yellowstone, unlike any other thoroughfare in this country (like Interstate 80 when we were trying to get home), when you come upon traffic that is stopped, it is a very good and enjoyable thing.  When you see a string of cars stopped along the road, you know you are about to witness wildlife you wouldn’t normally see. One bull elk grazing can stop traffic for a very long time and nobody gets angry. They just join in to observe this massive animal having his lunch.

While we traveled, we listened to a couple of sermons that we missed during our vacation. (You can listen to them at Chris spoke of our need to be a part of the Church; not just a gathering of friends with similar beliefs; not just a social gathering; not just a place to make us feel good about ourselves as we sacrifice our Sunday brunch; but a place where we can encourage each other and hold each other accountable and strengthen each other as together we face the struggles life presents.

As I listened, I was reminded of one of those traffic stops in Yellowstone. There were a dozen or more Buffalo with their calves grazing alongside of the road and with all the traffic stopping for a photo op, they eventually took advantage of the opportunity to cross the road. It was awesome!

After they had all gotten across and the last photo was snapped, I looked at the tree line 400-500 yards from the road and I saw movement. Eventually I could see that it was a buffalo cow and her calf and they were running like mad to get back to the herd.  A buffalo can run 45 mph so it was pretty amazing to witness. They didn’t slow down and the baby stayed right at her heals until they rejoined the herd.

This is the time of year when calves are young and wolves prey upon them. A pack of wolves is no concern to a herd that can surround their young, but one lone cow would be hard pressed to protect her calf against a large herd of hungry wolves. She knew the importance of being with the herd in order to ensure that her calf was safe and able to reach adulthood.

So, I want to ask you, WHO IS YOUR HERD?  Are you keeping company with those who will help you be a stronger, better, more dedicated God follower?  Do you isolate yourself from others and just do your own thing? Your kids are watching and following closely at your heals. They look to you for protection. They stay close and observe and gravitate to the types of people they see you hanging with. Are you allowing the Church to speak into your life in a real and life changing manner? Or are your friends outside of the church the ones you prefer because you can relax and your language and behavior won’t matter?

Accountability and responsibility are an integral part of the life of all who desire to walk with Jesus. I encourage you to find that person who is not afraid to tell you when you are drifting. BE that person that is willing to warn a friend when you see them falling out of step with the One who saved them. Embrace the Church… not just the place you go on Sunday because that’s how you were raised… but the movement that was born 2,000 years ago, out of the need for those who believed in a risen Lord to support and encourage one another. We need each other. We are definitely better together… and safer, too!

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