Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Recently I taught a class of fourth and fifth grade students who delighted my heart – not because they were studious, compliant and attentive, but because they voiced their doubts and questions. “Everything is created so who created God?” “How can God have no beginning and no ending?” With every question I could respond, “Great question! I have wondered about that, too!”

I love watching their minds begin to process the mysteries that will never be solved this side of heaven. They were each making their list of questions to ask when they get to heaven. To me, that was a beautiful experience because I was able to explain that there are so many things we will not be able to understand because we are human and think like humans. God is far above us and we are not able to think as He thinks or understand His ways. It is in these precious times that faith is born. Hopefully these are just the beginning of questions that they will ponder in life.

Parents, never discourage questions because by asking the questions, their minds are working and they are ready to learn about the faith that will ultimately shove aside the questions and say, “even if I don’t understand the things of God, I am beginning to know God and that relationship is what assures me that I don’t have to understand Him, I just have to follow Him.” As you nurture a healthy faith in your children, make sure that you allow them to ask questions. Being ready to respond to these questions in a healthy manner requires only a few things:

1.      Make God’s Word your source of Truth. It is the foundation upon which a follower of God builds their life and the things that do not align with it will not be tolerated as an acceptable alternative.
2.      Make your relationship with God your classroom. We all learn out of relationship more than we do out of text books.  As you grow closer to God, watching Him work, learning of His love, it will help your heart to accept His ways in a manner that your mind cannot comprehend.
3.      Ask your own questions. Be in relationship with godly people who are seeking Truth and “as iron sharpens iron” help each other to grow and learn and walk more  closely with the Creator, growing as you learn and as you accept the things that are beyond your comprehension.
4.      Tell them your faith story. They are too young to have developed the connection with God that you have had the opportunity to grow in your life. They will love hearing about how you once felt (even if it was yesterday) and how walking with God changed your mind and your heart.

May God bless you immeasurably as you walk the path of God’s choosing with your children’s eyes upon you.
Open your ears to what I am saying,
 for I will speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past --
stories we have heard and know, stories our ancestors handed down to us.
 We will not hide these truths from our children but will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD. We will tell of his power and the mighty miracles he did… 
 so the next generation might know them -- even the children not yet born –
that they in turn might teach their children.
So each generation can set its hope anew on God,
 Remembering his glorious miracles and obeying his commands.

Psalm 78:1-4, 6-7

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