Elkanah and Hannah wanted a child desperately, but could not
conceive. They prayed and begged God to bless them with a child promising that, once the child was weaned, he would be taken to the Temple and given back
to God as a gift. God honored their prayer and their first son, Samuel was
born. As promised, when he was very small, he was surrendered to Eli, the
Priest, to be his student and servant in the house of God and, according to 1
Samuel 2:21, “the boy Samuel grew up in the presence of the Lord.”
Nine or ten years later, Samuel is awakened several times
in the night by a voice calling out his name. Assuming it was Eli, he ran to
his side to see what he needed, only to be sent away because it was not Eli’s
voice. At first, neither Eli nor Samuel recognized the voice of the Lord. Eli
had pushed God aside because he didn’t like God’s demands. He closed his eyes to
sin rather than to stand with God and stand against sin.
Samuel did not recognize the voice of God because, according
to 1 Samuel 3:7, he “did not yet know the Lord.” How can a child grow up in the
presence of God and yet not know Him or recognize his voice?
From the story of Samuel we learn that knowing the laws of
God and obeying them, based
on ritual rather than relationship will not draw our children to Him. Acts of
kindness and service, even in the church will not create unity with God. We can
see that, in the case of Samuel, a child’s eyes are fixed on the one who is
raising them and that is the primary shaping factor in the spiritual life of a
child. If you want to do a better job of introducing your child to God, this is
what your child needs…
…parents who love Jesus enough to turn their back on
anything that leads them away from Him
…parents who make mistakes and humbly repent to God and
…parents who value quiet time with God
…parents who fail to get their priorities right and
acknowledge and correct them
…parents who read the Bible and teach it’s precepts to their
…parents who, early on, teach their children to listen and
…parents who can show grace to an errant child because God
has shown grace to them
…parents who are humble enough to know that they need God’s
help to raise a family
…parents who have godly friends who will be a positive
influence in the lives of their kids
…parents who see that they are called to a mission that is
bigger than themselves
…parents who have found joy in following God – both in the
valleys and on the mountain tops
You can buy your kids a Bible, take them to church most every Sunday and visit
every VBS that is offered within a 15 mile radius of your home. You can purchase
every Veggie Tale movie ever made and say a prayer before meals and at bedtime.
Yet, it is possible that your children will grow up, like Samuel, not recognizing
God if you have not shown them what it looks like to listen and obey Him. Is it time to tune your ear
to what God wants to do in your home? Say with Samuel, “Speak, for your servant
is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10), then follow through with what He is asking you to do!