It just makes sense that the God who proclaimed that all He created is good, would waste nothing.
He made all things for a purpose.
He allows all things for a purpose.
We experience all things for a purpose.
When you think about it, sin and brokenness create circumstances that are not lovely; some are heinous, some painful, some practically intolerable. Did God make those things? I don't think so... but He allowed them to happen ... for a purpose. And He believes in YOU and desires for you to seek His purpose... to seek HIM... in the middle of it all and there you will find answers.... or maybe you will not find answers, but you will find Him.
Consider these possibilities...
When the kids are out of control, His plan may be to grow you into the parent that will teach them appropriate behavior. If they never disobeyed, you never grow as a parent.
When your spouse is not meeting your needs, His plan may be for you to learn better communication and perhaps look at things from a different perspective. That's what grows a marriage.
When your job situation is unbearable, His plan may be for you to lean on Him for the wisdom you need. He shapes us most in adversity.
When a loved one is suffering and your heart is breaking, His plan may be for you to learn His compassion and to let Him handle what is simply too big for you to manage. Trust Him!
When finances are a disaster, His plan may be for you to discover how little you need and how much you truly have. When He is all we have we often discover He is all we need.
When illness comes at the worst possible time, His plan may be for you to slow down and listen.
When friends fail you, His plan may be for you to seek a stronger relationship with Him.
No matter how difficult life may seem today, know this... God isn't perplexed by it, but has already discovered the way around it, through it, over it or under it. When you are a follower of the God who IS LOVE you can be assured that He will make a way and you will be shaped by your circumstances in a manner that will help you through life, this side of heaven. He refuses to throw up His hands when your choices have landed you in a difficult spot. Instead, He will teach you with grace and you will come through it as you listen and grow and walk with your hand in His.
So, as many wise people have said, when you can't find your way through a difficult situation, simply do the next right thing and, according to the Apostle Paul, that is to be thankful for every circumstance. Even if it is unpleasant or downright intolerable! It is God's plan for you to be thankful because you know that He loves you and will never ever stop. Take a deep breath. Say a prayer of thanksgiving. God's got this!