“We don’t get credit for what we leave behind. We get credit
for what we give away.” When the pastor said this yesterday morning my mind
began to wander and I think I lost the next 5 minutes of his sermon. Our
culture is pretty big on collecting “stuff.” Stuff that we can eat or use to
prepare our food. Stuff that we can play with. Stuff that helps us relax. Stuff
that makes us look better, thinner, younger. Stuff that makes our home cozy.
Stuff that gets us to where we want to go in comfort and style. We like stuff.
Recently I heard someone say that they aren’t sure they want to go to heaven
because they will miss their STUFF!
What if we switched our focus from all we can store in this
life, to all we can give in this life. What if we did this in 3 separate areas?
resources. This is where you thought I would go, right? Parents and
grandparents, stop over gifting your kids! We all know that the more they get,
the more they want. The more they have, the more cluttered the house becomes
which stresses out the parents, which stresses out the kids, which stresses out
the parents more, which stresses out the kids more. I speak truth here. Can I
get an AMEN!
Christmas is coming. This year, instead of
spending the entire Christmas budget on stuff, give the kids the gift of
giving. Take a portion of what you would spend on them and help them find a
need in the community or around the world. Did you know that $12.50 will provide one
child with a school lunch for a month in Haiti through the organization, Haiti Hungry No More? (like them on Facebook). What
child wouldn’t want to share with a starving child?
Don’t make this something that you do IN
ADDITION to what you give. Make it what you do INSTEAD, so they can feel the joy
of sacrificing their own desires for someone truly in need. If they have a meltdown about making a sacrifice, you will know that you have successfully
contributed to the building of a child who feels entitled. Detox their hearts by
accepting where you are,realizing that it is ungodly and unhealthy, and
begin to do life differently.
Our Time. Take a look at your calendar. How much
marginal time do you have? How are you using your time to help others in
need? Can you begin to budget your time
like you do your finances. Don’t overspend your time so that there is nothing
left when an opportunity arises to bless someone. Just last year we were
blessed by a whole crew of people that budgeted their time so they would have
an entire day to put a roof on our house. My life is very full and having an
entire day to give away is a rarity, but I witnessed it and we were richly
blessed by those who took the time to be a blessing.
Talk about what you and your family can give …
maybe start with once or twice a year and build up to every quarter or even
once a month. Be aware of needs and be very prayerful about who to help. There
are many needs in front of us every day. Even Jesus didn’t “fix” everyone who
had a need. You could spend all your time reaching out to others, without even
trying, and neglect your own children. Proceed with caution and wisdom and
guidance from the One who wants you to say NO to some things so you can say YES
to what is most important. We take zero minutes out of this world when we go.
Give as many away as you can before you are called to go to your eternal home.
Kindness. Didn’t see that one
coming, did you? It’s Cyber Monday as I write
this post. Retail has gone wild. Stores are marking things down to sell more
than they did on Black Friday. People are trampling over people. Retail
employees are being harassed and insulted. I will never understand how something
as beautiful as Christmas brings out the worst in people!
How much kindness can you leave behind? I
think of the fairy tale where the children dropped bread crumbs on the trail in
order to find their way home again. It didn’t go well for them because I think
they ended up feeding hungry birds, or something of the sort. However, imagine
leaving a trail of kind words and deeds. A trail of smiles and nods. A trail of
letting others go first. A trail of genuine acts of kindness…. Not so others
will reciprocate, but so that you can be the hands and feet of Jesus that the
world needs to see. Start at home. Let them see the smile you share with your spouse. Let them witness you going the extra mile so lend a hand with the dishes. Be Kind Always!
Just take a look at what you have and what you give and see
if, as a family, you can find a way to begin to store up more treasure in your
eternal home than you do in this temporary one. Give your resources, your time
and your kindness so that you will leave this world a better place than it was
before you arrived… and have a Merrier Christmas!
“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant
nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain,
but to put their hope in God,
who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
Command them to do good, to be
rich in good deeds,
and to be generous and willing
to share.
In this way they will lay up
treasure for themselves
as a firm foundation for the
coming age,
so that they may take hold of
the life that is truly life.”
1 Timothy 6:17-19