Parents, what does it take to get you to change your mind?
Begging? Public tantrums? Tears? What turns your “NO!” to an “Okay, just stop
making a scene!” We have all seen and heard these outbursts that get a child
what they want because parents are trying to alter an undesired behavior. It seems to me that this is completely upside
down. It is our responsibility as parents to be working to bring about change in
the behavior of our children. When it is the children who weaken our
resolve, it is a lose/lose proposition. Kids get to raise themselves by calling
the shots, shaping their own values, and making decisions based on desire
rather than wisdom.
We all know where this type of leadership is taking the home
and it is frightening, at best. What I would invite you to see is a similar
tragedy and it is happening to adults who call themselves children of God. We
have a Heavenly Father, directing us to the plan that He crafted long before he
allowed our birth to take place (Ephesians 2:10). He has given us direct
orders, but often we have our own agenda and we beg, defy, turn our heads,
rationalize and slam the door in His face so that we can get things to go our
way. Not seeing it? Let me give you a few examples…
God says… Honor one another above yourselves. We fight to be
right even if it brings pain to those we have promised to love for a lifetime.
The divorce rate is as high among Christians as it is in those who don’t
profess to follow Christ.
God says… Put NOTHING before me. We have career goals and
friends and social media all of which take more of our thoughts, time and
energy than we devote to knowing and following God. Do God followers look any
different than those who follow their own ambitions?
God says… Teach your children all that I have done so they
will follow me. Many hours each week are devoted to the athletic or academic development
of our children. Do followers of Jesus look the same as those who don’t know
Him when it comes to these priorities or are they placing a higher priority of
time invested in teaching their kids from God’s Word? Are they even reading it
If we are going to be Ambassadors for Christ and turn a
dying world to Him, it is time to stop our defiant behavior, turning from His
will, and start truly being obedient followers. The Apostle Paul tells us in
Romans 12 that we, as dedicated followers of Christ need to stop behaving as
the world behaves. We need to change our minds and stop trying to change His
mind, like a stubborn and defiant child.
Paul goes on to say that He will transform us so that we don’t
make the same decisions and mistakes that the world makes. He will make us
different from the world. How? He will change the way we think. When we undergo
a change in our thinking, allowing His sculpting of our thoughts, we will begin
to see a marked change in our actions. We will no longer look like the world,
but will begin to love more deeply, follow more closely and lead more wisely.
What does it take for you to change your mind? A realization
that the Father knows best; that He has a plan for your life; that wearing the
disguise of the lost will lead you to the path of destruction; that His laws
are based in love. Let God transform you by changing the way you think.
Aligning your thoughts with Divine thoughts will make you the parent your
children need. Defying the God who made you and loves you never ends well. Take
off the disguise of the world and let the world know that you are making a
change in the way your family lives. You have chosen to find your way by
following the One, not the world.
And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God
because of
all he has done for you.
Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind
he will find acceptable.
This is truly the way to worship him.
2 Don’t copy the behavior and
customs of this world,
but let God transform you into a new person by
changing the way you think.
Then you
will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Romans 12:1-2